
pykinematics.omc.utility.create_cluster_frame(marker_data, segment_name, marker_names='default')

Create a cluster reference frame for the specified segment.

marker_data : dict

Dictionary of marker data, where keys are the marker names.

segment_name : {‘pelvis’, ‘left_thigh’, ‘right_thigh’, ‘left_shank’, ‘right_shank’}

Name of the segment to calculate the cluster for. Must match a prefix of a cluster name in marker_names

marker_names : {‘default’, MarkerNames}, optional

Either ‘default’ which will use the default marker names (see MarkerNames class), or a modified MarkerNames object where the names are changed to match those in the marker_data keys.

R_w_c : numpy.ndarray

Either a 3x3 or Nx3x3 array of rotation matrices of the rotation from the world frame to the cluster frame. The first, second, and third columns are also the cluster frame x, y, and z axes respectively.