Usage Examples

Basic Use: MIMU Algorithms

At the core of pykinematics for processing MIMU data is the MimuAngles class, which contains all the sub-methods required to calibrate and estimate hip joint angles bilaterally. Using the default parameters, estimating joint angles is then as simple as:

import pykinematics as pk

static_calibration_data, joint_center_task_data, trial_data = dummy_import_data()

mimu_estimator = pk.MimuAngles()  # initialize the estimator

# calibrate based on a static standing trial and a trial for computing the joint center locations
mimu_estimator.calibrate(static_calibration_data, joint_center_task_data)

# estimate bilateral hip joint angles
left_hip_angles, right_hip_angles = mimu_estimator.estimate(trial_data)

Sample Data Example

An example script is provided under the github repository to run the sample data (download sample data).

import h5py
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pykinematics as pk'ggplot')

def import_sample_data(path_to_sample_data):
  # setup the dictionaries for storing the data
  # static calibration: shank data useful to create scaling factor for acceleration to match gravity
  stat_data = {'Lumbar': {}, 'Left thigh': {}, 'Right thigh': {}, 'Left shank': {}, 'Right shank': {}}
  # star calibration needs the shank data as well, for computation of the joint centers
  star_data = {'Lumbar': {}, 'Left thigh': {}, 'Right thigh': {}, 'Left shank': {}, 'Right shank': {}}
  walk_data = {'Lumbar': {}, 'Left thigh': {}, 'Right thigh': {}}

  tasks = ['Static Calibration', 'Star Calibration', 'Treadmill Walk Fast']
  signals = [('Acceleration', 'Accelerometer'), ('Angular velocity', 'Gyroscope'),
             ('Magnetic field', 'Magnetometer'), ('Time', 'Time')]
  with h5py.File(path_to_sample_data, 'r') as file:
      for task, dat in zip(tasks, [stat_data, star_data, walk_data]):
          for loc in dat.keys():
              for sigs in signals:
                  dat[loc][sigs[0]] = np.zeros(file[task][loc.title()][sigs[1]].shape)
  for dat in [stat_data, star_data, walk_data]:
      for loc in dat.keys():
          dat[loc]['Time'] = dat[loc]['Time'] / 1e6  # convert timestamps to seconds

  return stat_data, star_data, walk_data

# import the raw sample data
sample_data_path = 'W:\\Study Data\\Healthy Subjects\\sample_data.h5'
static_calibration_data, star_calibration_data, walk_fast_data = import_sample_data(sample_data_path)

# define some additional keyword arguments for optimizations and orientation estimation
filt_vals = {'Angular acceleration': (2, 12)}

ka_kwargs = {'opt_kwargs': {'method': 'trf', 'loss': 'arctan'}}
jc_kwargs = dict(method='SAC', mask_input=True, min_samples=1500, opt_kwargs=dict(loss='arctan'),
orient_kwargs = dict(error_factor=5e-8, c=0.003, N=64, sigma_g=1e-3, sigma_a=6e-3)

mimu_estimator = pk.MimuAngles(gravity_value=9.8404, filter_values=filt_vals,
                              joint_center_kwargs=jc_kwargs, orientation_kwargs=orient_kwargs,

# calibrate the estimator based on Static and Star Calibration tasks
mimu_estimator.calibrate(static_calibration_data, star_calibration_data)

# compute the hip joint angles for the Fast Walking on a treadmill
left_hip_angles, right_hip_angles = mimu_estimator.estimate(walk_fast_data, return_orientation=False)

fl, axl = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
fr, axr = plt.subplots(3, sharex=True)
label = [r'Flexion/Extension', 'Ad/Abduction', 'Internal/External Rotation']
for i in range(3):
  axl[i].plot(left_hip_angles[:, i])
  axr[i].plot(right_hip_angles[:, i])
  axl[i].set_ylabel('Angle [deg]')
  axr[i].set_ylabel('Angle [deg]')

fl.suptitle('Left Hip Angles')
fr.suptitle('Right Hip Angles')

fl.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])
fr.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95])