
pykinematics.omc.angles.hip(pelvis_frames, thigh_frames, side)

Compute hip angles.

pelvis_frames : numpy.ndarray

Nx3x3 array of anatomical frames of the pelvis in a world frame. N time samples of 3x3 matrices, of which the first column is the pelvis X-axis, second column is the pelvis Y-axis, and third column is the pelvis Z-axis

thigh_frames: numpy.ndarray

Nx3x3 array of anatomical frames of the thigh for N time points in the world frame. Each 3x3 matrix is comprised of columns of thigh x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, in that order.

side : {‘left’, ‘right’}

Side the angles are being computed for. Used for sign determination of angles.

hip_angles : numpy.ndarray

Nx3 array of hip angles, with the first column being flexion-extension, second column being ad/abduction, and third column being internal-external rotation.


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