
pykinematics.omc.segmentFrames.thigh(marker_data, side, use_cluster=True, R_s_c=None, hip_joint_center=None, marker_names='default')

Create the pelvis anatomical frame.

marker_data : dictionary

Dictionary of thigh marker position data. Keys correspond to marker names

side : {‘left’, ‘right’}

Thigh side.

use_cluster : bool, optional

Use the cluster to segment rotation to compute the anatomical frame. Default is True.

R_s_c : {None, numpy.ndarray}, optional

If use_cluster is False, R_s_c is ignored. If use_cluster is True, then a 3x3 rotation matrix must be provided that is the rotation from the segment to cluster frame for the pelvis.

hip_joint_center : {None, numpy.ndarray}, optional

If use_cluster is False, hip_joint_center must be the location of the hip joint center in the world frame. If use_cluster is True, then it is ignored.

marker_names : {‘default’, pymotion.omc.utility.MarkerNames}, optional

Either ‘default’, which will use the default marker names, or a modified MarkerNames object, with marker names as used in the keys of marker_data

thigh_af : numpy.ndarray

3x3 matrix representing the thigh anatomical frame. Also is the rotation from world frame into the thigh anatomical frame. Columns are the x, y, z axes of the anatomical frame.