
pykinematics.imu.angles.hip_from_frames(pelvis_AF, thigh_AF, R, side, zero_angles=False)

Compute the hip joint angles from the segment fixed axes computed during the calibration.

pelvis_AF : tuple

Tuple of the x, y, and z axes of the pelvis anatomical frame.

thigh_AF : tuple

Tuple of the x, y, and z axes of the thigh anatomical frame.

R : numpy.ndarray

Nx3x3 array of rotation matrices from the thigh sensor frame to the pelvis sensor frame.

side : {‘left’, ‘right’}

Side the angles are being computed for.

zero_angles : bool, optional

Remove any offset from zero at the start of the angles. Default is False.

angles : numpy.ndarray

Nx3 array of hip angles in degrees, with the first column being Flexion - Extension, second column being Ad / Abduction, and the third column being Internal - External Rotation.